
General Aims

  • Approach art creations in an alternative way with the total involvement of senses within art workshops and cultural environments in general (e.g. museums, cultural centers etc).
  • Support young learners especially with Special Educational Needs and Difficulties (SEND), so they can be successfully included in their school and social environment through art education.
  • This program aims to design, implement and evaluate alternative innovative activities (through digital, multi-sensory and interactive methods in approaching art), and exchange the good transnational practices/activities between the partners.

Specific Objectives

  • To develop a holistic global didactic conception of art using all sensations (look but also touch, hearing, smell).
  • To create and adopt a multicultural approach of artworks opened to new worldviews (different perception of colors, sounds, art materials depending on the country of origin).
  • To support young people especially with SEND to be involved in communication by and for young people by allowing them to contribute to the creation of tools.
  • To provide and transfer digital tools, skills (individual, collective) and practices, useful to professionals and young learners in order to improve Art Education and meet their territorial objectives.
  • To enrich the educational value and goals in the art workshops with different cultural and practical approaches.
  • To engage the young people in the reproduction of known sculptural works using natural materials from the regions/countries involved.

Needs to be served

  • Need to overcome major obstacles to real empowerment: putting young people especially with SEND at the center of the debate to express feelings, emotions, needs, thoughts (in art workshops); also, supporting their motivation, developing their learning abilities and facilitating their inclusion through the new ways of experiencing art creations
  • Need for exchanging good practices, tools, methods, ideas, patterns or examples through different cultural approaches
  • Need to redefine the art museum approaches including the easy access and ιinteractive experience for young people with SEND, offering to them concrete tools, bringing a pragmatic dimension and giving meaning to the concept of the integration
  • Need to create artistic activities and art based experiential (group or individual) actions which can enhance or sort out hidden or impeded potential of young people especially with SEND in order to be able to deal with social and professional challenges and demands
  • Need for involving them concretely in the evaluation of the benefits with precise benchmarks (grids) with simple and motivating tools (videos, photos, museum digital presentations or applications)


  • Create and adopt a multicultural approach of artworks opened to new worldviews (different perception of colors, sounds, art materials) depending on the country of origin.
  • Enrich the educational values and goals in the art workshops with different cultural and practical approaches able to reinforce the individual or/and interpersonal resilience of all participants, especially of the vulnerable young people.

Target groups

Direct Beneficiaries:
  • Ordinary Young learners and young learners with Special Educational Needs - Difficulties (SEND), mostly with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), or Specific Learning and Language Disorders (vulnerable young people in general)
  • Youth Workers, Educators, social work organizations, museums project managers

Indirect Beneficiaries:

  • Families, other young people in general
  • Education (schools, colleges, high schools, universities)
  • Officials for School Museum Programs

Expected Results

The participation of the trainers in the workshops for the production of digital animation, games or comics considering art exhibits has great results in their personal and professional development. In this way they will:

  • acquire basic skills in the field of digital technology and its utilization in art, will fill any "gaps" in their education (scientific specialization and additional training) and they will renew their crystallized ways of learning.
  • improve their position in their work environment and will respond more effectively to the demands of their social role, as parents, teachers, professionals.
  • acquire skills in designing and preparing appropriate distance learning programs to contact with artistic creation based on the use of technical means, printed, audio and visual material using computer for the proper learner support.
  • understand the humanitarian dimension and dynamics of art as a means of socio-cultural development, social inclusion and tackling exclusion.
  • support those who are involved (students, the young with SEN-D) to create their own learning paths and to "correct" any negative experiences created by their previous relationship with the education system.

Intellectual Outputs

IO1: “Train the Trainer” art guidebook PDETh (Greece) focuses on how to organize art activities in schools and non-formal art & youth organizations

IO2: “Digital Game for Young Learners” COAT (Italy) related to the production of artistic material (3D animation and games) by using high-tech technology in order for the art creation to be more comprehensible and accessible to the young people, especially with SEND

IO3: “Evaluating Videos” BLUE ROOM (Spain) focuses to assess the workshops' products and practices through videos.

IO4: "Digital Art Folder" OPENUP (GREECE), a digital library for the digitized artistic material - work (images, sound, text) that will be created in the art workshops.

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